Thursday, April 27, 2006

Sleeping during the Global Wave of Meditation

Absorbing the energy radiated during the Global Wave can be done through a profound relaxation during which, if we are asleep, is much better. The theosophists made themselves sleep during Wesak, in order to travel in their astral bodies to the Himalayas, and those that didn't know how to do this simply tried to sleep in order to capture some of the abundant energy freed during the ceremony. Sleeping with a predisposed, determined mind is completely different than "taking a nap"; in any case, it is something that one can and should experience for himself.

There are 3 steps:

  1. Become relaxed, as always.
  2. Then, after reaching total relaxation, decide, internally, that in the event you should fall asleep, your body will be receptive to the subtle energies radiated by global meditation. This decision can take the form of "orders" given to the physical body, an entity which is separate from you. You should speak to your body like you would speak to a child. In esoterism, this is known as "the physical element."
  3. When you have finished with relaxation and guiding your body, try to sleep.
    This alone is sufficient.
You can see its effectiveness by observing how you feel when you get up later.
It's good to do various experiments, like doing the same thing outside of the Global Wave schedule, or simply comparing these states with those of normal relaxation during the Global Wave.
All of this is part of the process of learning about subtle energies.

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