Thursday, April 27, 2006

The essential unity

Buddha said:
“When the Buddha reached illumination, all of the beings of the Earth were also illuminated."

This teaching of Buddha has profound meaning.
He was a human like all of us, and the human mind is essentially one, although it is manifested in millions of physical bodies. His illumination was the illumination of all of humanity, even though we may not directly realize it.
This same humanity is just one part of the whole mind of this world, and as such, is it also true that all other beings also were illuminated, something that sounds mysterious to us, as many other entities - for example, the spirits of the Jungles, the great spirits of the Mountains, of the Sea, etc - seemed to already be illuminated.
Krishnamurti spoke greatly about the states of consciousness where he was all things, about states of unity with everything that were sometimes perceived by people who were close to him during those moments. He also said "you are the world, and the world is you."
Many people can relate experiences full of well-being where the sensation of separateness totally dissolved, being substituted by an extremely clear vision of a unity which is luminous and void, completely essence. During these states it is very evident that the internal state and action of just one person impacts all of humanity in an inevitable way. A change in one of us causes a change in the totality of the human mind, in the entire Earth.
Comprehending something new, dissipating confusion, and discovering a new truth are all another step towards the end of suffering for all beings.

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