Thursday, April 27, 2006

Creating a place of energetic radiation in the city

The few people that have a small piece of secluded Nature should be considered very fortunate in today's world, where it's normal to live in heavily populated places.
More commonly available is an empty room, with an opening to a garden or treetops, or maybe a good view of the sky. In that case, we can follow these simple guidelines in order to create a site of concentrated energy in our houses (a "place of energetic radiation").

Firstly, try to not do any unharmonious or vulgar activities in this area; just yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, reading of related books, etc.
In this room there can be mats and pillows (maybe a folding chair), some books, incense, music, paintings or pictures of Nature, etc. The important thing is to stop other people's chaotic energy from interfering with the creation of the energetic center.
As the presence of Nature is very important, we can have plants, or have an open window that goes out to a place with trees, a garden, or the sky.

Cats and dogs emanate, likewise, abundant natural energy, as they are still children of Nature (when they have not been unharmonized by people). But even if we don't have all these things, we can still create a small place of energetic radiation inside a house, in the corner that is least inhabited.
We can dedicate a chair (be it an armchair, a large pillow, or a mat) just for this practice and meditate accompanied by natural beings, if possible. With time, the energy that emanates from this small place will invade the entire room and the house.
Some yogis take a mat with them on their pilgrimages; wherever they are, opening this mat creates a small energy field, kind of like a positive vibe bubble. But for those who don't have access to these things, there is another alternative: plazas. In a plaza, we can choose a less frequented area, preferably next to a tree.

We will note with time that even though these places abound with different types of energy, the harmonious energy created will increase with our practice (and the energy of the tree as well; they are always emanating good energies). It is hard to turn a plaza into a center of energetic radiation, but at least while we are with its trees, in some way we are also in contact with all the Jungles and Forests of the world.
And that's no small thing.

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