Thursday, April 27, 2006

Energy laws and logic

The laws of the physical universe were very gradually comprehended throughout all of history.
At first, man tried to explain what he saw through his own invention, trying to adjust the facts to this imaginary cosmic architecture.
When technological advances permitted us to amplify the field of the perceived universe, scientists began to formulate laws that explained many of the phenomena of the macro and microcosms. These new laws, based on reason and mathematics, seemed to be omnipotent in explaining everything for a time, exactly up to the discovery of certain physical phenomena that boldly defied logic, like Quantum Theory.
Currently, physicists are divided into two large groups: those that think everything can be explained through logic and math (and, as such, be comprehended by the brain), and those that think we are discovering a universe that is only logical up to a certain point, behind which a mysterious field expands.
This field seems illogical and paradoxical to the brain, and can not be comprehended by reasoning. If this is happening in the physical field, we can imagine how complicated things may be in the energetic or subtle universe, which involves the mind. The affirmation that "people that come together to meditate generate much more energy than when they are alone" does not seem at all logical to rational people. And much less if "two people can be together energetically even if they are separated by great distances." Any person who is strictly attached to physical facts, will discard these sayings as just more pre-scientific ramblings. Nonetheless, affirmations like these are different from imaginary structures: they can be proven using scientific methods. Even if the existence of subtle energies can not yet be directly proven in a laboratory, it's effects can.
The idea of subtle energy fields is infinitely more "illogical" and "paradoxical" than a quantum universe, for example. Nevertheless, it is an overwhelming reality for those that can directly perceive it and - especially for everyone else – those who have proven it through scientific experiments, but these only capture the exterior, its outer shell.
The emotional states of happiness, clarity, creativity, and magic can not be translated into scientific formulas, and when one finds himself in these states, proof of this kind is something completely superfluous.
The most important thing about the Global Wave of Energy is that through the use of its subtle laws, the human mind and its general state of energy can be transformed. This will come accompanied by a multitude of strange phenomena, of course, but that is not what matters; what matters is the intervention of the cosmic order here on earth.

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